Friday 25 April 2014

Day 166 - Today has gone too quick

I got into Huddersfield with good time this morning, so see as though it was Friday I thought I'd go all out and start my day with a Subway. Like everybody should. Then after a few meetings and some work it is now almost 3PM, what is going on? I am seriously not complaining because that means I'll be home in no time. No rest for the wicked though, we're back in the studio this weekend bright and early to finally finish off these new tracks we started a few months back. Hopefully we'll be able to nail everything this weekend so everything is ready for mixing and the track can be sent off to the production company that is doing the video for "Burn". We have a weekend set a side for recording in May. This is something I've never done before but I'm sure it is going to be a lot of fun. It should all go to plan, the production company are very professional and they have a few other videos that seem brilliant. It will actually be really nice to have some physical copies of the EP and a music video to go with our little portfolio we have been working on. Planning on making a promotion portfolio to be sent out to promotional companies and maybe even a few labels. The plan is next year to play gigs like crazy and maybe even do a little tour around the UK and maybe a few places in Europe depending on times and costs. But yeah, it is all coming together nicely.

In regards to work, I've been put back on Photoshop duties and I'm creating a few posters for the campaign we've been managing, the ball is well and truly rolling and it is a little difficult to keep up with all the demand but I think both me and Rob can manage it ourselves nicely, and it is nice to know so many other staff members are about to help us out if needs be.

Wow, after blasting through my 6,000 words essay this week I am finding is hard to type for long periods of time. I find myself having to take a break every 10 minutes or so. It is probably a good thing though, not a fan of getting RSI early in life. What with me playing guitar and using computers a lot I will be prone to it in later life, so I think the odd break will do me good in the long run, even though it means work takes twice as long.

Yesterday I finally got round the listening to "AM" by Arctic Monkeys, I've had everyone tell me that it is different but still a really good album and after giving it a full listen it very much easy. You can tell Josh Homme had some input in the writing as well, very Queens of the Stone Age, but I'm not complaining. On the subject of music, I was looking through the Glastonbury rumors and saw a band name that jumped out at me "Fat White Family". Now with a name like that you have to check them out, not knowing what to expect at all, I was no disappointed. I don't even know how to describe them, they're kind of punk haha. I watched a set by them at SXSW on YouTube and within 10 minutes the lead singer is in nothing but his smalls on stage. I also gave their debut album a listen "Champagne Holocaust", yup the names get better. Again it very different, has a few songs on there I can listen to again but I think I need to give the album another listen. Probably will go to see them at Glastonbury, just for the crazy stage show alone.

Well I best crack on with some more work before I leave for the weekend. Not really looking forward to getting up early on a Saturday and Sunday, but I guess it beats having to come to Huddersfield to work.

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