Friday 11 April 2014

Day 152 - Home day!

It is almost time for me to leave work and set off back home, and then set off back to my home-home! All in one weekend haha. Really looking forward to it as always, had a last minute late night panic pack of clothes. Had to bring them all to work which was horrible, because if a packed train wasn't bad enough, being on a packed train with a giant bag is so much worse.

Was going to watch another episode of Black Sails last night but decided against it and we all went to bed really early like good boys. I watched another episode of Game of Thrones, and it is seriously hotting up in season three, hopefully next week I'll have finally caught up. After one episode I was falling asleep and it was only 10 o clock. Considering I use to be able to stay up all hours of the night back in first year I can tell the working life is changing me, and not for the better. I want to say that I'm not ready for the world of work, but I actually think that the world of work isn't ready for me yet...ha whatever, I'm just a immature fool.

After a stupid amount of sleep I actually got up at 7AM feeling super refreshed, had my morning tea and did my final checks. I always end up forgetting something major, but I think for the first time I have actually managed to pack everything I will need. Even considered packing my sunglasses just in case, but I know for a fact if I would of done then it would be crappy all weekend. So I thought I'd leave them out. So you're welcome for the nice weather this weekend.

Managed the full week without being moved back upstairs, but I do have a meeting with my boss next week, and I know she's going to end up sending me back upstairs which I am not looking forward to. I need to find a way to try and dodge the question of moving. Maybe I'll just run out the room when she starts talking about it, it seems like the only way I am going to get away with it. I have such a good system going on down here though, I work, I blog and then watch some of the daily vloggers I follow on YouTube and then go home. I have it perfect. None of that will be happening upstairs, blog posts will be cut down, I'll have to watch YouTube videos on non-work times, what a sick world we live in.

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