Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 151 - Going home | Featured Beard - Ewan McGregor

I noticed after posting yesterdays post that I didn't explain the title of the post at all. I'll back track a little "Knew it wouldn't be too long", this was a little reference to the post before that. I've had a good few days this week and I knew all of a sudden something was going to happy to mess it up, everything started fine, went to Subway with Jonny and got ourselves a fantastic breakfast to start the day, but I couldn't pay for it. My card which I've now had for more than three years finally gave up, so now I have to go a week without a card. Which is proving to more difficult than it sounds.

But today is a brilliant day, I managed to get plenty sorted, the application for my new house is slowing going through and I am going home this weekend to celebrate the 70th of my grandparents. I'm even taking a shirt down with me so I can look smart for a change haha. Yeah, going home this weekend, I've taken Monday off as well to have an extended weekend. The good days should keep on rolling in, hopefully haha.

After finding Jack White was playing Glastonbury this year I've really got into a lot of his other projects today. Of course I love The White Stripes, but I've only ever known the odd single from his other projects. I started with The Dead Weather, his most recent band. I listened to Horehouse on the way to work today, and although it is a bizarre and wacky album, it is a good album none the less. The Raconteurs are another great band he was a part of during The White Stripes, again I know the odd song but I think I'll try get more into them before I see him this Summer. Apparently he plays a few covers which should make his set perfect for a large crowd to sing a long too.

------------------------------------BEARD TIME-----------------------------------------

Today is ladies favorite Ewan McGregor, most probably in my top 5 actors of all time. Definitely in my top 5 favorite beards.

He hasn't always had a beard like that though. When playing probably one of his most famous roles of all time Mark Renton from Trainspotting. He was sporting a total skin head and clean shaven, and even with a lack of a beard he managed to pull that role off perfectly. I think in my opinion, or maybe I'm just being stupid, he most famous bearded role has to be Obi-Wan-Kenobi.

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