Thursday 17 April 2014

Day 158 - And so the weekend begins | Featured Beard: Shay Carl Butler and Casey Lavere Butler

I have to say I'm pretty proud of my last blog post, if I'm honest that was probably my best one and maybe even the best one I'll ever do. Still going to carry on the featured beards, so I'm going to ride this wave and carry on doing them through-out the week. I think I'll try do one at least once a day if I actually remember.

Today is the day. Today is the day that the four day weekend officially starts, and I've never looked forward to a long weekend so much in my life. After working 9-5 for a good few months now it has really taken its toll on me. I think if I carried on I could slowly get use to this lifestyle, it's just that I know next year is going to be back to "my normal" lifestyle of a stupid amount of sleep/food/drink/nights out/parish/bedlam/burger time and so on and so on. Although I did them all heavily in the first two years of my university life it was good to take a year off and take a little time to see what is going on in the "real world", and in that year of me doing this I realised that I am probably not fully ready to commit to such a workload, and I still need a bit of time to grow up and go a little crazy. Because in all honesty, I would actually HATE to do this for a living. I know they're bold words, but I find the working lifestyle of the average person the most boring goal to achieve. Why would I want to wake up early every morning and work for nothing but money. Why should I have to do that? I know it's the easiest option, but I want more than that. Yeah, everyone says get a job, get married, have kids and grow old. That isn't how I see life, I want to have some stories, I want to be respected for what I do, I want to enjoy to I do. I don't want to sit in front of a desk day in and day out. I think a lot of people don't see that there is so much more for people to do and for people to achieve. So when they don't see that that's what they teach their kids, and that carries on. Leading everyone into the boring day to day lifestyle. I don't want to be another guy climbing a ladder which I one day I might find myself up and go "shit, how the hell did I get here?".

Okay, that's the end of that haha. Didn't realise how long I was going on with that haha. My four day weekend starts tomorrow, so here's the plan. Lots of Game of Thrones, will be fully caught up by Monday and can finally find out what everyone is so happy about. Spending some time with Terri before she goes home for Easter, and I'm also going to break in my new fur coat which arrived yesterday with plenty of time to spare for Glastonbury! But that's enough about that my plan is, it's time for another episode of BEARD TIME.

--------------------------------------BEARD TIME----------------------------------------------

We're actually getting two beards today. Two brothers that are both YouTubers and do daily vlogs along with other projects surrounding the wonders of YouTube. This is also another kind of request from my very own Terri Woolford! We're both pretty big fans of them both.

So, here they are Shay Carl Butler (left) and Casey Lavere Butler (right)

The photos on Google don't give their beards much justice. But I can assure you that they are magnificent and very deep!

Both Shay and Casey grow up in Idaho as young Mormon boys. Shays actions of YouTube first came apparent when he was promoted by Philip DeFranco. Shays following slowly grew before he focused his YouTube career on his Family and starting his new channel The ShayTards. The ShayTards became a success and has quickly become a well known YouTube Channel. Shay committed himself to post a vlog everyday on his channel, he successfully managed to post a vlog of his life everyday for five years and was later awards by Maker Studios (the production company that Shay Carl co-founded) and by YouTube themselves for reaching over one million subscribers. Because of his success and the well known names of his family, almost each family member has started their own YouTube career starting their own daily vlogs, Including Mr. Casey Butler.

Let's talk beard. As you can see from the photos above they both go for the full beard effect. Both chin and moustashe have a perfect balance of hair resulting in the well balanced full beard look. Although Shay himself is prone to trimming, and sometimes a total clean shaven look he still has the amazing ability to grow a full beard within a few weeks. As does Casey. Casey has gone for many different styles in the past from the soul patch to the chin strap, he currently goes for the well trimmed beard. Which in my honest opinion has nothing on the mighty full beard of his brother.

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