Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day 108 - Vinyls | Day 28 - Beard test

Me and Jonny made a deal last night that we should get up extra early tomorrow and go to Vinyl tap in Huddersfield and pick some up for tonight. I have to say I'm proud of us both for getting up that little bit earlier, which we managed and it really paid off. We were the first in the shop and get some great vinyls, I got a Jimi Hendrix and Rolling Stones greatest hits which is exactly what we've been looking for, for the house! I reckon we'll have some time tonight and crack one or two on before we hit the hay. It's weird how most households will probably watch some TV or put a film, we prefer to stick on a vinyl and just chill to it, maybe we were born in the wrong era. Jesus I sound like a raging hipster haha. I really want my Grandad to bring his vinyls up, he has loads of really old vinyls which he has no idea how much they might actually be, I'm sure there is some gold in the stacks his has.

I've been watching TwitchPlaysPokemon at work, when I probably should be doing work, but its great to see 50,000 people playing Pokemon at the same time and see what happens. Right now we're in the final gym battling through the maze, can't believe it's actually got this far, but it's far from over yet!

I'm doing the thing that I've been trying to stop myself from doing for the past few days and that's clock watch. Their is nothing more boring than clock watching, literally have counting down the minutes to this final meeting of the day so I can go home. But then I'll be doing the exact same tomorrow until the weekend haha.

I had all these things I wanted to buy today because I got paid but then I remember I have rent and bills to pay, which really sucks. I don't like being a grown up haha.


I think I see some slow process over these past few days...very slow though.

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