Monday 24 February 2014

Day 106 - Hangover day 2 | Day 26 - Beard test

It's been way over 24 hours and I'm still feeling the effects of this weekend. Maybe I'm just really tried and it really does not help that I slept on my neck funny last night and now I've had a really stiff neck all day. Soon as I get in I'm going to get all my washing done and then just stay in the same position until I have to get into bed haha. But that's all the moaning out of the way, this weekend has actually been really sick! We all had a lot of fun and drank a lot and I think we're all a little broken now and need some time off partying for a while. I for one will be doing that anyway!

It's actually weird me blogging at the end of the day and it still being light. Actually not going to fear for my life going through Huddersfield when it's pitch black. Even braved it today and didn't bring my gloves to work, rock and roll ey? Still wearing my hat, probably will do until its the middle of Summer. That happens a lot when I get a new hat, I'll live in it for a good few months and then I end up losing it or getting a different one. This weekend I saw an awesome jacket which I have to buy when I get paid, it's a varsity jacket which I'm not normally that keen of, but it has a Ouija board printed on the back which looks really epic. Also really want to get some black Converse and some new jeans. God dammit, no wonder I'm always poor.

I was going to make this kind of a long ish one because I've been keeping them pretty short over the weekend what with everything going on but I think I can put a decent bit of time to my blog this week so I can keep them nice and long. Well that counts on me being able to come up with fresh new ideas that came to me during my day, which isn't looking likely at all this week especially haha.


Looking at the beard pills I'll be taking in a few days, it's for hair all over, so the next 30 days could get weird haha.

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