Friday, 28 February 2014

Day 110 - Guest post by an amazing woman | Day 30 - Beard test

Not a regular blog today, but instead a guest post from a more, lets say 'experienced' blogger.
So yeah, George/Jud//El-Georgio or whatever my boyfriend is calling himself these days is pre-occupied at home with his family and so I jokingly offered to write a guest post for him and he got excited and actually took me up on it. This will be incredibly boring, I can assure you!

So to start with, let me introduce myself. My name is Terri, I'm also a blogger and you can check out my blog and read more about me here. (Shameless promotion, but that's how this game works!)

Anyway, back to this blog. Now I am an avid reader of these posts and the general premise of this blog is to give a day to day account of George's antics everyday. Obviously I'm not with him and so I don't know exactly how his day went but if I had to guess it probably went a little something like this:

- Sometime roughly between 7AM & 8AM - Get up reluctantly, throw on some clothes, slick the hair back with a copious amount of gel/wax and then get the packed lunch ready
- Somewhere between 8AM & 9AM - Rush out the door and plonk self on train to Huddersfield ready for another day of work
- 12PM (ish) - Eat sandwiches, probably the second the clock hit 12, because he's usually starving by this point. If I had to guess, the butties would probably be either peanut butter or ham?
- 3PM - Pack up any work actually done today (or rather close down YouTube and stop watching The Shaytards) and head off for the train
- 4PM - Arrive back in Wakefield for the weekend, to be welcomed by an awesome family and the best dog in the world
- From 4PM to now - Most probably eat everything in the house as usual whilst at home, walk the dog at least once and spend the night watching TV and exchanging random outbursts and pranks with sister

And that is how I imagine his day panned out.
Looking forward to tomorrow when I will be smashing a boring shift at my workplace and then heading over to join him and spend the night relaxing with my second family.
I told you this would be boring, I bet this will be the last time he takes me up on this offer!


So, beards.
I'm pretty sure this is the final day of the control test thingy-ma-bob, which means the pill-popping will begin tomorrow. (Just as a disclaimer, he's not on anything heavy, they are only Wilkinson's specials!)
I am baffled by this beard, some days it looks feeble and others it screams 'MAN', but this could well be the lighting in each picture.
When he started growing the beard, I had a strong hatred and begged him to shave, but over the last few months, beards in general have grown on me (pardon the pun!).
Anyway, now the beard growth is on full swing, I hope it goes well and it ends up a nice, big, but classy beard and not channeling Mr Twit.

Here is the beard pic for today:

And heres a little idea, I know you've been looking for a I took the liberty of finding you a beard related one:
Find it here

Over and out!

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Day 109 - Work work work | Day 29 - Beard test

Dammit, forgot to blog at work so it's going to be a lazy mobile post whilst I cook. Thought I'd go crazy before I go home tomorrow for the weekend. Got me some chicken burgers, bacon and cheese. Going to stick them all together and make some beautiful burgers, hopefully I'll be able to finish off all four of them. Then the plan is to get in the bath and get watch the rest of Equilibrium before I head off to the land of sleep. Sounds like one hell of a plan!

Been a strange week at work, ups and downs but I guess that's normal. But I've been on my own all week, looking after the place. I say that, more just sitting there going to meetings and taking calls. Even though I do complain about the job I do enjoy it and I've learnt a lot already.

I think it's time for me to get some food and relax for the rest of the day!


Very soon will be taking on the hair pills haha

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Day 108 - Vinyls | Day 28 - Beard test

Me and Jonny made a deal last night that we should get up extra early tomorrow and go to Vinyl tap in Huddersfield and pick some up for tonight. I have to say I'm proud of us both for getting up that little bit earlier, which we managed and it really paid off. We were the first in the shop and get some great vinyls, I got a Jimi Hendrix and Rolling Stones greatest hits which is exactly what we've been looking for, for the house! I reckon we'll have some time tonight and crack one or two on before we hit the hay. It's weird how most households will probably watch some TV or put a film, we prefer to stick on a vinyl and just chill to it, maybe we were born in the wrong era. Jesus I sound like a raging hipster haha. I really want my Grandad to bring his vinyls up, he has loads of really old vinyls which he has no idea how much they might actually be, I'm sure there is some gold in the stacks his has.

I've been watching TwitchPlaysPokemon at work, when I probably should be doing work, but its great to see 50,000 people playing Pokemon at the same time and see what happens. Right now we're in the final gym battling through the maze, can't believe it's actually got this far, but it's far from over yet!

I'm doing the thing that I've been trying to stop myself from doing for the past few days and that's clock watch. Their is nothing more boring than clock watching, literally have counting down the minutes to this final meeting of the day so I can go home. But then I'll be doing the exact same tomorrow until the weekend haha.

I had all these things I wanted to buy today because I got paid but then I remember I have rent and bills to pay, which really sucks. I don't like being a grown up haha.


I think I see some slow process over these past few days...very slow though.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Day 107 - Back in action | Day 27 - Beard test

Forgot to blog at work so I'm going to have to brave it on my phone again. Wow it feels good not to be hungover, and especially at work. It was a long day at work though, had to wait all morning until the afternoon for a meeting, which I will have to do tomorrow as well. But I'm going vinyl shopping I think, really want to try and find a decent Jimi Hendrix album for the house, so many of his albums I can sit through start to end, hopefully I can find some at a decent price.

I've recently got back into watching Futurama for some reason, totally forgot how good it was. I remember when I was in High School getting into The Simpsons and then slowly getting on the Futurama and then eventually you find South Park and Family Guy. I watch all them still apart from The Simpsons, I sort of became fed up of it in college when Family Guy came along.

Really looking forward to this weekend. No drinking and no craziness. I'm going home to see the family and spend some time with them, really looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend away from Leeds. Not that I dislike Leeds, it's just nice to get away once in a while.


I just wanna start taking the pills already, bored of taking the same photo now haha.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Day 106 - Hangover day 2 | Day 26 - Beard test

It's been way over 24 hours and I'm still feeling the effects of this weekend. Maybe I'm just really tried and it really does not help that I slept on my neck funny last night and now I've had a really stiff neck all day. Soon as I get in I'm going to get all my washing done and then just stay in the same position until I have to get into bed haha. But that's all the moaning out of the way, this weekend has actually been really sick! We all had a lot of fun and drank a lot and I think we're all a little broken now and need some time off partying for a while. I for one will be doing that anyway!

It's actually weird me blogging at the end of the day and it still being light. Actually not going to fear for my life going through Huddersfield when it's pitch black. Even braved it today and didn't bring my gloves to work, rock and roll ey? Still wearing my hat, probably will do until its the middle of Summer. That happens a lot when I get a new hat, I'll live in it for a good few months and then I end up losing it or getting a different one. This weekend I saw an awesome jacket which I have to buy when I get paid, it's a varsity jacket which I'm not normally that keen of, but it has a Ouija board printed on the back which looks really epic. Also really want to get some black Converse and some new jeans. God dammit, no wonder I'm always poor.

I was going to make this kind of a long ish one because I've been keeping them pretty short over the weekend what with everything going on but I think I can put a decent bit of time to my blog this week so I can keep them nice and long. Well that counts on me being able to come up with fresh new ideas that came to me during my day, which isn't looking likely at all this week especially haha.


Looking at the beard pills I'll be taking in a few days, it's for hair all over, so the next 30 days could get weird haha.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Day 105 - Too hungover | Day 25 - Beard test

Righto, got way to drunk last night and now I'm seriously paying for it. I'm going to fall asleep at any minute so I'm getting this blog done and getting into bed.

Apparently last night I was busting some serious moves haha, and I'm not looking forward to any pictures that might surface haha. Did see someone with an epic ouija board jacket which I'm going to buy ASAP!

That's a picture wrap for me today, and to be honest this is the hardest thing I've done all day haha, please send help if you read this.


Was in two minds to do a picture today because of my hungover face haha.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Day 104 - Dens are cool | Day 24 - Beard test

Wow last night was very different. When Andy arrived we made a den. Well we tried to make a den at least, ended up just being a pile of pillows on the floor that we eventually all fell asleep on. Crazy Friday night I know...I think tonight will be very different, we just started the day with a dirty shot of butter, gravy, whiskey, rum, vodka and loads of other stuff we found in the kitchen haha.

Think this will have to be a short one, hench why I'm doing it earlier today, going to go for a run and then we have more people to come round, could be a very long and drunken night.


I should really be taken these photos in similar lights because some nights it looks massive and then in the light it looks like nothing.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Day 103 - Another short one | Day 23 - Beard test

Yeah it's going to be a short one today, don't know if I messaged yesterday but it's Andy's birthday night out and he's coming up today, so no doubt it'll be a nice peaceful's been a while since we've been out so it'll be good to go out again and have some drinks. I think it's been a month since we last went out. So even though we didn't manage a dry January we did manage a month of no going out, so we deserve a little reward, even though nobody can afford it haha. Not going out till tomorrow so I won't be hungover tomorrow but I'm sure some crazy stuff will end up happening tonight, but we'll see.


Beard test.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Day 102 - Day with the family | Day 22 - Beard test

With my few days off I came home to see the family. Had my nan and grandad come round so we're out for some food right now and then I'll be running off back to Leeds. So I'm going to make this a short one.

We watched the Brit awards last night and I was surprised to be honest, was alright. Maybe a little less One Direction and it would of been good. Don't get why everyone is kicking off at Alex Turner. Although he was clearly super high it was funny, plus he was clearly playing up because that's what people do with award speeches.

Anyway, good has arrived and I best not be anti-social


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Day 101 - Early weekend | Day 21 - Beard test

Had a fantastic day at work today, I've been told that I don't need to come in tomorrow and Friday which is great news. So I'm going home for the day tomorrow to see the family and I need to get my Xbox hard drive haha.

I do actually have an insane weekend coming up, it's Andy's birthday and he's coming up with some friends to party hard in Leeds. It's going to be one hell of a hangover haha looking forward to it though.

Just ordered a Chinese to celebrate my early weekend, then I'm going to watch some tv, allllllll time haha.


Here's today's beard picture, only few more days and I'll be using my beard pills haha.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Day 100 - Look back | Day 20 - Beard test

Well the day has come, this is my 100th day of blogging! Going to try my very best to make this one nice and long with a few quotes from my previous posts. I'll have a little look back at what I've said over the 100 days and then following up on them. I'm guessing it'll just be as boring as my usually blog posts, but we'll see haha. HAPPY 100th BLOG POST TO ME.

Let's begin our story on Monday 11th November 2013. It was my very first blog post ever, I didn't know what I was doing (still don't), I didn't know what I was getting myself in for and I thought I could start eating healthy as well...

"I chose to set myself the challenge of writing a blog everyday for a year and see what would come of it, also funnily enough the same day I decided to start eating healthy for a change rather than the usual takeaways and alcohol diet"

How wrong was I?! I must of lasted about a week if that before I got the next takeaway haha. In fact the very next day I post a picture of a bag of I'm sorry determined to eat healthy haha.

So we hit the first weekend post of the blog and I'm hungover, no surprise their whatsoever, and I'm pretty sure I spend the next few weekends in the same state.

I said it might happen, I said it. I'm officially posting my first hungover post, you're welcome world!

I'm sure the world loved to know that.

Ahh yes, my first gig review. I'm proud of that post actually, even though I retired from the reviewers life swiftly after haha. I just got fed up of holding my phone up at a gig and getting pictures, I'm not a fan of that. Here's a link to the post though if you fancy reading it:

It was a great gig, I would certainly see METZ again if they come back into town.

Around December time was a nice time for my blog posts, it was the time of month when I had a lot of gigs to go to and Christmas to look forward to. A lot of happy memories with family and friends. Then we hit the start of the New Year, it was a difficult time at one point. I do remember hitting a bit of a problem in my life, but it turned around so fast thanks to the support of family and friends again. I'm making this out to be bigger than it is really, but it was tough at one point, but all is well know.

Just looking back on some of the titles it brings back so many memories that are not even that long ago but it is still nice to read over them again. Like "The Wolf On Wall Street", that was a great day. Saw an epic movie with an epic person and all round had a great weekend.

Oh day 70. The first of many times that I forgot to blog at a normal time. I must admit I wrote that one under the influence of booze. I went out that night with some friends and totally forgot about the blog. So I ended up bashing down a few words from town at 3AM haha. Pretty sure I was walking up my street at the time when I published it haha. Day 72 I talk about how I'm nearly had day 100, and here we are!

February I started the beard test, that hit day 20 today (if you've not guessed by the title). Every time I write the title to a blog post I feel like they're all similar, but looking back I've noticed that they're not all similar at all, weird how that worked out.

So that was the look back over the 100 days, I couldn't pick out much because I've not really been up to much and I'm really that funny in any of the posts haha. I was thinking after the 60 day beard test I would come up with a new challenge to keep my posts interesting, I guess I'll think of something before the beard test is over.

Well, that has been my 100th post. Maybe I'll look back at this post on my 200th, let's hope I can make it that far (and I have a beard).


Oh look a crappy "beard"

Monday, 17 February 2014

Day 99 - So close!

Only gone and got into bed and forgot to blog. I sorted everything before I got in the bath, my bag for work, food, a cuppa. I thought I'd done it all and I forgot to blog, balls. No beard picture because I'm in bed, oops. Just put on Mullholland Drive, not seen it before but heard good things about it, not sure if it's a bed time movie though haha.

Had a pretty decent day at work, was nice and busy, even had a meeting cancelled on me so I could leave a little early, that was a nice to the worst day of the week, Monday.

When I got I had a parcel waiting for me all the way from sunny LA. It was some socks I order for Terri from Rodeo Arcade, by Shay Carl. If only he sold beard pills!

Day 100 tomorrow, I'm going to try and make it a long one and look back on my previous posts. Still doesn't feel like 100 days at all.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Day 98 - New things! | Day 18 - Beard test

Last night was good, spent the night with some friends watching films. Always a winner.

Was in Leeds this morning and picked up some sunglasses for glasto, I know, well prepared haha. They're actually girl glasses up I think they're actually pretty cool. Also picked up a new hat for when I get up late and can't be bothered to do my hair haha, saves so much time on a morning.

Spending the night with Terri tonight, watching Star Wars and The BAFTAs. Then it's back to work, boo!

Can't really believe I'm nearly on my 100th day, only feels like 10 posts ago that I was starting this blog, wow.


Beard test is looking very familiar haha

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Day 97 - Valentines was awesome | Day 17 - Beard Test

Valentines day was pretty good. I'm normally a grumpy mule when it comes to holidays like that but this year was pretty good. Terri got me an Adventure Time t-shirt and a bunch of other goodies !

Now I'm back home and waiting for Jonny to come back from London, so it looks like I'll have to watch tonnes of South Park and drink truck loads of tea before hand haha.

Made some epic food in the past few days. Cooked gammon for Terri yesterday, and scrambled egg this morning, both, if I say so myself, were epic!


Check out the points I can get on my tash now haha. So I must be getting somewhere on my own. Terri got me some hair supplements so I'm ready for the non control week haha.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Day 96 - Wow I love sleep | Day 16 - Beard test

That was an amazing nights sleep, 12 hours in bed, best ever! That of course means I woke up in a good mood, but it didn't last long because I've only got two tea bags left, how am I going to survive the weekend with two bags? Looks like I'm going going to the shop. Also need to pick up some food for tonight, really looking forward to cooking today, I do enjoy it haha.

Going to give Derek another go today, I watched the first half of it but didn't really get it, but I think I can get into it. I love all of the other Ricky Gervais projects. Think Extras is my favourite, great story to it. I recommend it to everyone.

Doing this post a little early today, got a busy afternoon and night, will probably be the same again tomorrow, not complaining though haha.


Took this one in the dark, so it makes it look better haha, but underneath the darkness is a kiddy beard haha.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Day 95 - Early weekend | Day 15 - Beard test

Yup, today was certainly a good day because I knew full well that I had tomorrow off! Really hope I don't wake myself up really early, could do with a stupid amount of sleep.

Going to head over to Huddersfield tomorrow to see my girlfriend, hopefully won't forget anything important haha.

Keep it cheap this week and sticking with pasta, I almost caved when I got in and went to the shop to buy a pizza or something, but I'm sticking to it this week haha. I am cooking something nice tomorrow for both me and Terri. I was originally going to go for Gammon but I'm thinking of changing it up now, not sure what for though.


Yeah no beard test yesterday because I was in bed and couldn't be bothered moving haha. Still looking pretty similar, but we're only halfway through the control week I guess.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Day 94 - No beard test today.

Okay I forgot, so I'm going to have to bash down a quick post before I hit the old hay.

Was on my own at work again today and my oh my did it drag. It's the same again tomorrow but I'm willing to put up with it seen as though I'm not in on Friday. I wish I could tell you how excited I am to sleep!

Yeah not doing a beard test today, I'm in bed and it's dark and really cannot be bothered to turn on the light. Shame really because I've just grown a massive beard as well...nah it's still poor haha.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Day 93 - 4 day week | Day 13 - Beard test

Seen as though I had a crazy weekend with no sleep (no partying involved). I booked this Friday off to maximize the amount of sleep this weekend haha. Really looking forward to the weekend, it has been too long since I last had a sleep in, and I seriously need it. Also I'm cooking for my girlfriend for Valentines day, and then I have a friend coming over on the Saturday. Think this is the first weekend in a long time that our bassist from London isn't coming up. It's actually going to be strange not having him around. But he is coming up the weekend after for his birthday haha.

Still sat in work with very little to do, so I thought I'd give the blog a go. Got no food in at home so it's either going to be something weird or I go to Co-Op and buy some over priced shit. Hmm.

I really like busy days at work, because today has been a long and boring day with nothing to do, and it really messes with my head. Like, I'm really tired because I'm just sat here with nothing to do what so ever. Maybe I should find some work? Haha.

Cleared up my Spotify playlists today, it feels good when you have all your music organised and not clogging up your phone. It is like spring cleaning in the 21st Century.

Decided that I'm just going to listen to Bad Religion for the rest of the day now until it hits that most magically of moments 5pm!


I just compared this photo to the first one I took, and it looks like I have no change in 13 days. Boo!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Day 92 - An actual busy day | Day 12 - Beard test

Yup, had a packed day and it went so fast!

Firstly though, Monday was too good to me. I woke up really easy and in a good mood, then my train arrived perfectly on time when I walked onto the platform, and my day went really fast, hmm what's going on Monday? Really hope the rest of the week is similar, I could certainly get use to it.

Got into work and I was handed all his photoshopping work which at first I was a little taken back by but I soon cracked on with it. Ended up taking me ages and right through to the afternoon, then I had a massive meeting which took up the rest of the day. Now I'm home all ready for  the return of the The Walking Dead!

The band and I actually booked a video shoot for May, which at first was a little scary considering everything but we're all game as a badger to get it done and out in time for Summer. For saying this was going to be a slow year for the band it is actually turning out to be the fastest to date. We're going to keep on riding this wave!

Forgot to mention the other day that I actually finished Catcher In The Rye a few days ago. I don't see what all be fuss is about, pretty boring book to be honest. Definitely not a book for me.

Nearly on my 100th of blogging, wonder of their is something special I can do on that day? Maybe look back at my previous posts and comment on them, if I actually did said thing or not?

Beard time. Looking pretty normal to be honest, no sudden man beard just yet haha. Might make a little video of all the photos at the end to see the difference haha.

Day 92 - An actual busy day | Day 12 - Beard test

Yup, had a packed day and it went so fast!

Firstly though, Monday was too good to me. I woke up really easy and in a good mood, then my train arrived perfectly on time when I walked onto the platform, and my day went really fast, hmm what's going on Monday? Really hope the rest of the week is similar, I could certainly get use to it.

Got into work and I was handed all his photoshopping work which at first I was a little taken back by but I soon cracked on with it. Ended up taking me ages and right through to the afternoon, then I had a massive meeting which took up the rest of the day. Now I'm home all ready for  the return of the The Walking Dead!

The band and I actually booked a video shoot for May, which at first was a little scary considering everything but we're all game as a badger to get it done and out in time for Summer. For saying this was going to be a slow year for the band it is actually turning out to be the fastest to date. We're going to keep on riding this wave!

Forgot to mention the other day that I actually finished Catcher In The Rye a few days ago. I don't see what all be fuss is about, pretty boring book to be honest. Definitely not a book for me.

Nearly on my 100th of blogging, wonder of their is something special I can do on that day? Maybe look back at my previous posts and comment on them, if I actually did said thing or not?

Beard time. Looking pretty normal to be honest, no sudden man beard just yet haha. Might make a little video of all the photos at the end to see the difference haha.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Day 91 - Cabin fever | Day 11 - Beard test

First things first, I'm really tired and it's been a long day in the studio so this isn't going to be very long.

Second, I'm extending the beard test to 60 days! I need a control 30 days of no pills to see if they work. That way it's a little more fair to see if it's me growing the beard or the pills haha. 

So the studio today. It was my turn to track guitars and they are sounding so sick, I actually surprised myself with my playing. I feel like I've actually progressed a little. Also our producer said I had a tight playing style which put me in a good mood to carry on going. But after the 6 hour mark being stuck in a room with no windows you start to go a little crazy!

Really feeling it now and I'm planning on getting into bed nice and early. Should be easy to get up tomorrow, been up at 7 both Saturday and this morning so getting up at half 8 is a luxury now haha. Looking forward to next weekend!

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Day 90 - Studio weekend | Day 11 - Beard test

Was up nice and early this morning, actually got up before I normally get up during the week and I was in a good mood, which is very weird for me. Made my way over to Bradford with the band and we're currently laying down the new songs, only managed to sort out drums right now though, but they are sounding big! It's great having a producer, just means the rest of us have nothing to do during the day until it's our turn.

Making this an earlier post because we have the band coming round to our house later and we're going to have a little film night, might even make a den haha.

Yeah studio is going well and it's another early start tomorrow for guitars and vocals so I'll be extra busy tomorrow!

Because I'm taking the photos in different lights it looks like the beard is going up and down. But I think this hat brings it out more, what am I saying? Haha.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Day 89 - Foooooood. | Day 9 - Beard test

Another long day at work filled with Photoshop and HTML, always fun. Nah I'm messing I actually enjoyed today at work because I knew as soon as I got in from work I had two, two! Gammon steaks waiting for me, oh yes. Honestly it's probably my favourite meal, I very rarely have it so I think that's why I enjoy it so much.

I think soon as I've cooked and wrote this I'm gonna crack some TV on and chill out for a bit. I am up at half 5 to go to the post office to pick up a delivery, and then go into the studio to lay down some new songs. Very exiting times, but very early times.

 In beard news today. Nothing. It's still a little shitty but maybe my manly meal with bulk it up haha. No.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Day 88 - All alone | Day 8 - Beard test

Forgot to blog just after I finished work, dammit. I really like to sit in front of a computer and blog rather than do it on my phone because I get lazy with it, so this could be a short one.

Was all alone at work so I just sat with the radio and worked. Boring day, but I can't complain, it's the weekend soon.

Laptop is on it's last legs and I can't use netflix. So I might have to restore my laptop completly, not good. But it will hopefully sort it out for a few more months until I get a new one.

I think the beard is getting longer but I think it needs thickness now. Maybe the pills will sort that? We'll see

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Day 87 - Fast days are the best | Day 7 - Beard test

I always enjoy a day at work that goes nice and fast. Had plenty to be getting on with, and I have plenty more to do over the next few days. This is why this blog is a little late in the day. I do normally like the post these mid afternoon but not today, busy busy busy!

I've been Photoshopping pretty much all day, I never really got into Photoshop that much but now I'm really getting into it, even getting considered to be sent on a full day course so I can carry on using it. When I started my placement this wasn't something that would cross my mind, but the more I think about it the more useful tools like Photoshop become. So many cheap websites just throw an image onto a page now a days and think it looks okay, but Photoshop can really make an okay image look really good.

Been looking on eBay for days trying to find a King Crimson LP but they're all so expensive. I was 50p off winning an auction the other night. Got a few more on my watch list I really want to get, fingerscrossed I get them. If not I might have to take a little trip to the record store we have in Huddersfield. Great little independent record store, you don't find many like that any more.

I still think the beard is growing a little bit on its own. To be honest this is the longest I have ever had it before I get rid of it. But I'm sticking with it, and this weekend I'll be starting on Vitamin B tablets.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Day 86 - Mega Cold | Day 6 - Beard test

I've got a mega cold that's keeping me up at night and it really sucks. Without a good nights sleep it puts me in a different mood for the entire day, hopefully I can un-cold myself for tonight and get a good nights sleep. Going to start that with cooking some badass food and watching Top Gear, I'm sure that will help.

Not a bad day at work all around but it could be better, really tired and really ill, they don't go well together at all. 

Here's day 6, I have to admit it is starting to look different from day 1. Maybe I can grow a beard after all?! Haha. Nah.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Day 85 - I'm surprising myself | Day 5 - Beard test

Back to work today. Was surprisingly easy to get up and I was in a really good mood...what is wrong with me? Maybe because I know when I get home I have loads of food waiting for me. We all went to Iceland on Saturday and purposely spent over £25 so we could get it delivered which was the best idea we have ever had. Instead of going out Saturday night we sat inside and just buried ourselves in food. I have a feeling it will be the same next weekend but with added studio time haha. Winner!

Yeah, it's been an alright day at work, nothing to complain about, for once haha. Got some more projects coming up which I'm really happy about, something I can get my teeth into.

I think that's a picture wrap from me at work, so I best start my journey back home to the mountain of food I have. YES.

"The Beard". I can actually see a little difference from the first photo, it seems to be thickening up around the bottom. This being the control week I'm not expecting much change. Hopefully when we hit the week of vitamin B then it might actually start connecting up a little more, but we will see I guess.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Day 84 - The final practise | Day 4 - Beard test

Here's day 4, what a surprise it looks the same. I've ordered my vitamin B tablets for the next few days and hopefully we'll have some change, maybe haha.

It's been another good day yet again, had a full day of practise. Got the new songs down and ready for he studio. We had some beers last night to celebrate that we got played on the radio for the 4th time. It's always a strange but good feeling when you get your song played. I'm hoping one day we get called in for a live session which would be epic.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Day 83 - I love sleep | Day 3 - Beard test

Is the beard test day title getting a new title every time? Haha. Anyway here is the picture day 3:

Still can't see anything different, but it has only been 3 days.

Anyway today has been a nice day, because I've done nothing what so ever so it's going to be a wee one this evening. Got band practise tomorrow so I'm up early which isn't cool, but cool at the same time.

Been watching Community and it's really good, Ken Jeong makes it!