So yeah, George/Jud//El-Georgio or whatever my boyfriend is calling himself these days is pre-occupied at home with his family and so I jokingly offered to write a guest post for him and he got excited and actually took me up on it. This will be incredibly boring, I can assure you!
So to start with, let me introduce myself. My name is Terri, I'm also a blogger and you can check out my blog and read more about me here. (Shameless promotion, but that's how this game works!)
Anyway, back to this blog. Now I am an avid reader of these posts and the general premise of this blog is to give a day to day account of George's antics everyday. Obviously I'm not with him and so I don't know exactly how his day went but if I had to guess it probably went a little something like this:
- Sometime roughly between 7AM & 8AM - Get up reluctantly, throw on some clothes, slick the hair back with a copious amount of gel/wax and then get the packed lunch ready
- Somewhere between 8AM & 9AM - Rush out the door and plonk self on train to Huddersfield ready for another day of work
- 12PM (ish) - Eat sandwiches, probably the second the clock hit 12, because he's usually starving by this point. If I had to guess, the butties would probably be either peanut butter or ham?
- 3PM - Pack up any work actually done today (or rather close down YouTube and stop watching The Shaytards) and head off for the train
- 4PM - Arrive back in Wakefield for the weekend, to be welcomed by an awesome family and the best dog in the world
- From 4PM to now - Most probably eat everything in the house as usual whilst at home, walk the dog at least once and spend the night watching TV and exchanging random outbursts and pranks with sister
And that is how I imagine his day panned out.
Looking forward to tomorrow when I will be smashing a boring shift at my workplace and then heading over to join him and spend the night relaxing with my second family.
I told you this would be boring, I bet this will be the last time he takes me up on this offer!
So, beards.
I'm pretty sure this is the final day of the control test thingy-ma-bob, which means the pill-popping will begin tomorrow. (Just as a disclaimer, he's not on anything heavy, they are only Wilkinson's specials!)
I am baffled by this beard, some days it looks feeble and others it screams 'MAN', but this could well be the lighting in each picture.
When he started growing the beard, I had a strong hatred and begged him to shave, but over the last few months, beards in general have grown on me (pardon the pun!).
Anyway, now the beard growth is on full swing, I hope it goes well and it ends up a nice, big, but classy beard and not channeling Mr Twit.
Here is the beard pic for today:
And heres a little idea, I know you've been looking for a I took the liberty of finding you a beard related one:
Find it here |
Over and out!